Don Kriefall – Letter to the Editor

From the Washington County Daily News of Wednesday, March 23, 2022…

Don Kriefall, a member of the same church I attend, is retiring as the County Board Chairman of Washington County, Wisconsin. I am a resident of that county and have been for years. He endorsed several candidates running for seats in the coming election. With redistricting going on, it seemed appropriate to name some of those he endorsed for my readers:

District 16 Richfield/Germantown: Kriefall endorsed Jodi Schulteis, the incumbent and a member of the church I attend. She is running against Dennis Myers who Kriefall pointed out had not appeared for his scheduled interview for appointment to that seat.

District 18 Germantown: Kriefall endorsed Jeff Schleif, the incumbent who is running against Peter Sorce. Kriefall mentions that in his time as Chair, Sorce has failed to submit any reports for his committees.

I concur with Kriefall’s recommendations in these two situations for whatever that means so far as the outcome. I will be voting for those Kriefall endorsed. I can also mention that the current County Executive, whom I believe has done a great job, knocked on our door and urged that we consider voting for Schleif before this piece appeared in print.

I may hear some groans or even worse, but it is important we stand for what we believe to be best for our fellow residents.

Above all else, however, please be sure to vote. Many have died that you and I can do so. It is not something to be taken lightly.

Published by A Curmudgeons Thoughts @

I am a political conservative living in Wisconsin and have blogged previously in a Milwaukee Journal news publication which has been eliminated with the acquisition of this newspaper by Gannett (USAToday).

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