Typical Neighborhood Bully…

The Blog title refers to North Korea’s president, Kim Jong Un; you remember him, I’m sure. But he seems to think we’ll forget him unless he witnesses a launch of some kind by his country every so often.

He goes for sometimes many months in between these appearances, but he can be depended upon to not let us down. He is a dictator, of course, and he’d rather have big boy weapons than feed his people, but that is their problem…and maybe our problem if he ever gets to the point of really believing he could take us down.

The real problem in all this is that this man is now in possession of nuclear weapons and the requisite delivery systems.

Kim is no dummy. He sees that the Biden presidency is the time to strike some kind of better deal if that is to occur. I suspect he is also a follower of U.S. political happenings and realizes that Trump is likely to run again. That would end his deal-grabbing opportunities that might exist in a Biden presidency. He isn’t going to pull that wool over a second-term Trump’s eyes.

If Kim is to get some kind of deal, it would be more likely now than two or three years from now. He is as cunning as he is chubby. He is a student of our country. He is obsessed with us and our history. If he could extract a deal from us, that might well be the highlight of his life; except, that would open the floodgates and he’d be at the U.S. trough regularly from that time forward.

This testing actually breaks Kim’s word that he gave when meeting with President Trump in 2018. He appears to see President Biden as an easier guy with whom to strike a deal than was Trump. And, he likely also believes Biden would be an easier ‘mark’ between these two. Kim is not stupid.

I suspect a prospective second term for Trump is driving a new Biden get-together with Kim if Biden is going to try to profit politically from it all. Certainly Kim would see that as auguring to his benefit. Who better to strike a deal with? Biden or Trump? I don’t think there is any question but that Kim would prefer getting together with Biden since he could cut a better deal with him than with Trump. He broke his deal with Trump, and that might well be of considerable concern for Kim. If it isn’t, it certainly should be.

I wonder if Biden’s son would be invited to attend? Might be a deal in there somewhere for him, too. A little crude? Yup. But not at all out of the question. Wouldn’t, apparently, be the first time for any of them.

Published by A Curmudgeons Thoughts @ thecurmudgeon.live

I am a political conservative living in Wisconsin and have blogged previously in a Milwaukee Journal news publication which has been eliminated with the acquisition of this newspaper by Gannett (USAToday).

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